Gabriel's Field Trip to Barr Lake

On one of the last days at school, Gabriel's class went to Barr Lake for a field trip. Reuben, Rebekah, and I were able to go with them. Our guide was Mr. Bob who had became a helper in their first grade classroom. All the kids thought he was great!

Gabriel's Early Birthday Celebration at School

Since Gabriel's birthday is in the middle of summer, his teacher let him celebrate his birthday with his classmates at the end of May. He brought donuts in to share with everyone. He and Reuben got to sit in the special birthday chair while everyone sang Happy Birthday to him. Of course, while we were there, we had to get a picture of Gabriel with his scroll of numbers to 1000.

Nick's Star Wars Birthday Party

We were glad that we were able to celebrate Nick's birthday with him. At the Crawford's house, they put together a very fun party with water gun fights, glow sticks, light saber battles, cake, and presents.

Birthday Celebrations at the Crawford's House

We had a combined birthday party for Krista (26), Nick (11), and Trisha (30) since all of their birthdays are so close together. Yes, these birthdays were in April, but we weren't able to get together for this celebration until May.

Naomi's 9th Birthday Party

For Naomi's 9th Birthday, we had a Movie Star party. She invited LOTS of girls and asked them all to come dressed in their fanciest dresses. When the girls arrived, the bouncer (Richard) made sure they were on the guest list before they could enter. We split the girls into 2 groups. Each group had to write, direct, act in, and produce an original movie. They were so creative and made the cutest movies! Click on the links to watch the movies. At the movie premieres, we watched both movies. We then had the Conklin Oscar Awards Ceremony where they got certificates and prizes for Best Actress, Best Writer, etc. Instead of cake, Naomi asked for a chocolate fondue fountain. I had no idea that 9-year-old girls were so messy! I felt bad because the chocolate was all over their nice dresses. It was a lot of fun. Even Gabriel got to be in one of the movies.

Science Fair at School - May 2010

This is the kids first time to participate in a science fair. Naomi made a space creature and helped with the class project. The boys enjoyed the magnetic cars and static balloons in the first grade hallway.

LOL Messy Night

In April we had a messy night with our church youth group. It was a competition of boys vs girls. The teams earned points by winning each individual game. The girls won, of course. It was hillarious! To see more pictures of this event, click on the title of this post.

Trisha's 30th Birthday

Happy, Happy Birthday!

Trisha & Kelsea's Baby Shower

Our church threw a baby shower for Trisha and Kelsea after the babies were born. It was a Hawaiian Luau theme.
We even played limbo! To see more pictures of this event, click on the title of this post.

Naomi's High Honor Roll Awards Ceremony

Not too much to say about this other than Yea Naomi!!!

Easter at Pastor's House

We went to our Pastor's house for lunch. We had steak and chicken. Yummy! How wonderful it was to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord with our brothers and sisters in Christ!

Gingerbread House in April

We had a gingerbread house that I bought on clearance after Christmas. We forgot about it for a while. On April 3rd we finally got it out. We started out nicely placing the candy on top of the house until Richard started dropping the candy from up high. Then the kids thought it would be fun to throw the candy onto the house. I have to say, I've never decorated a gingerbread house that way before! The house didn't stay together very well. The roof kept sliding down. So finally we decided to take a bite of the roof. Then Richard took the roof and rubbed it on Naomi's face! Then, of course, Naomi had to do the same to Gabriel.